Tips for Oily Skin

Oily skin is prone to breakouts and acne, so it requires some extra attention and care. At the same time, a lot of people still believe in many misconceptions about oily skin, like not using a moisturizer, which does more harm than good. So, how to take care of oily skin? Let’s talk about the tips for oily skin.

Wash your face more often

A lot of experts claim that we don’t have to wash our face with soap more than once a day, but it’s only if you have dry or normal skin. Oily skin needs to be cleaned more often. So, make sure to wash your face in the morning, evening, and after exercising. At the same time, try not to scrub your skin to avoid irritation.

Use sunscreen daily

Regardless of your skin type, it is essential to use sun protection every single day despite the season or weather conditions. Yes, oily skin sometimes improves after exposure to the sun, but at the same time, UV light can also worsen the state of your skin. Moreover, UV light is proven to cause photoaging and skin cancer, so you must protect your skin against it no matter what. Therefore, get a sunscreen that fits your skin type and use it every day.

Avoid alcohol-based skincare

Pretty often, people with oily skin use alcohol-based cleaners and toners to sort of “dry” their skin and reduce blackheads and breakouts. Well, if you do so, you should stop immediately because it does more harm than good. Alcohol irritates your skin and actually provokes more breakouts. Apart from that, when you dehydrate oily skin on purpose, it starts producing more sebum, making your skin oilier and provoking acne. So, forget about alcohol-based products for good.

Apply moisturizer

People with oily skin believe that they do not need to use a moisturizer, yet it’s actually far from being true. Despite the fact that your skin is oily, it still needs to be nourished, especially if you are over twenty-five years old. However, you need to make sure to use the products for your skin type. For instance, you can use light moisturizers, serums, and eye creams. But most importantly, avoid oil-based products and other comedogenic ingredients.

Choose oil-free makeup

As you might have already guessed, oils are bad for your skin type, so when it comes to makeup, it’s best to choose water-based products. You can also pay attention to the ingredients of makeup products you are interested in and avoid comedogenic ingredients (you can take a look at the list of such ingredients here).

Use a gentle face wash

Cleansing is essential for oily skin, yet you have to make sure that it does not irritate it. To do so, just use a gentle face wash that will remove the dirt without irritating your skin. Additionally, if you wear makeup, wipe it off using a makeup remover and wash up after so that no makeup remains on your skin.

Final thoughts

Taking care of oily skin might be challenging and even a little annoying, yet you will be rewarded with healthy skin that doesn’t age as fast as other types. So, make sure to remember our tips and embrace your gorgeous oily skin!

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