How to Determine Your Skin Type

Knowing your skin type is extremely important for selecting the right skincare products and makeup, yet most people still struggle to determine their skin type correctly. So, in this article, we will talk about the main skin types, which are normal, oily, dry, and combination, as well as provide you with some tips on determining your skin type.

Normal skin

Normal skin is the best to have since it’s usually not prone to acne and oiliness and, at the same time, it does not require a lot of effort to care for since it doesn't need much moisturizing. Additionally, makeup usually looks flawless on normal skin due to the fact that it neither gets wrinkly nor oily, which makes the owners of this skin type sort of blessed. So, how to figure out if you have normal skin? Below are some hints.

You have normal skin if:

  1. Your skin does not get too oily
  2. It does not feel tight
  3. The color is even
  4. It is supple and smooth
  5. You don’t have a lot of pores, and the ones you have are small
  6. You do not struggle with acne, blackheads, and other imperfections

Dry skin

Just like the name suggests, dry skin is dry and dehydrated. This skin type is not prone to acne and imperfections, yet it still requires extra care. When young, people with dry skin usually do not have any problems with it, and their skin looks flawless. But as these people get older (20+), they start noticing tightness, dryness, and first wrinkles. Since dry skin ages the fastest, it requires more attention and care in terms of anti-aging treatments, and those who have this skin type must struggle with that. So, do you have dry skin? Let’s see.

You have dry skin if:

  1. You often experience skin tightness
  2. You did not struggle with breakouts or acne
  3. Your pores are really small, or you do not notice them at all
  4. You have to moisturize your skin a few times a day to prevent dryness
  5. You noticed the first wrinkles before you turned thirty

Oily skin

Oily skin is a little harder to take care of since it is prone to acne, blackheads, greasiness, and other skin imperfections. However, it is a proven fact that oily skin does not age as fast as normal and dry skin, which is a pretty cool advantage that compensates for oiliness and pimples. Well, let’s see if you have this skin type — just take a look at the most significant features of oily skin below.

You have oily skin if:

  1. Your skin is greasy most of the time
  2. You often have pimples and blackheads
  3. Moisturizers can cause breakouts
  4. You struggle or used to struggle with acne
  5. Your pores are rather large, and you have a lot of them

Combination skin

Combination skin is the skin type that has the properties of both normal and oily skin. As a rule, this skin type is basically a normal skin type, yet the T-zone is rather oily. In general, people with combination skin do not have major problems with it, yet some breakouts are still possible. Therefore, below are the main characteristics of combination skin.

You have combination skin if:

  1. Your T-zone is pretty oily
  2. You do not experience the greasiness all over your face
  3. Your skin is not tight and dehydrated
  4. Occasionally, you have some breakouts
  5. The condition of your skin varies depending on the season

Final thoughts

We hope that now you have a better idea of what skin type you have as well as know which products will fit your skin and which won’t. Yet, we still do not recommend buying trendy skincare products that seemingly fit your skin type since only a professional esthetician can help you find the very products that will work the best for you.

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