Is Popping Blackheads Dangerous?

Blackheads are one of the most typical and irritating skin problems lots of people face. Surely enough, many individuals strive to eliminate this issue, often in quite radical ways. The most common way to get rid of blackheads is by popping them. To do that, people often use certain tools, though a pair of hands is usually enough for this task. However, is popping blackheads safe? In this article, we discuss both the pros and cons of such a blackhead treatment.

Why do people pop blackheads?

Specialists in the skincare sphere do not recommend popping blackheads. Nevertheless, despite knowing that, many individuals continue getting rid of this issue the same way. There are a couple of reasons for them to do so. Popping blackheads is the fastest way to resolve a problem; moreover, the sense of cleanliness afterward is always gratifying. It also seems effective in improving overall appearance: the skin surface looks much smoother without bumps on it. But do these benefits outweigh the disadvantages?

Alternative ways to solve the problem

Fortunately, there are other, non-dangerous ways to fight blackheads. Regular cleansing with foam or gel may do the trick. If it’s not enough, exfoliation may help. This procedure will remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, preventing blackheads from appearing. Begin with gentle scrubs; you can try some chemical exfoliants after consulting a specialist. Also, look for skincare products containing salicylic acid: this component effectively decreases oil secretion and reduces pore size. You can also try professional beauty treatments, such as microdermabrasion, chemical peeling, or HydraFacial.

Avoid comedogenic moisturizers and use oil-free sunscreen to prevent clogging pores. Try applying clay masks regularly (once every 1-2 weeks) to improve the condition of your skin. However, if you want treatment to be the most efficient, consult a dermatologist and develop a healing strategy according to your specific needs.

Dangers of popping blackheads

Popping blackheads is quite an invasive procedure, and as any treatment of this kind, it has its own risks. Now, let’s look through possible issues that may occur after this procedure.

  • Infection spreading. Popping blackheads creates a higher risk of infection if it’s done with unclean hands or tools. Aggressive squeezing may also force oils and dead skin cells deeper into the skin tissue, leading to even bigger blackhead and acne problems.
  • Slowed healing. Applying high pressure to the skin might lead to scratches and bruises. The skin will take additional time to heal entirely after this procedure. Redness and puffiness caused by trauma also contribute to the worsening of the visual image. 
  • Permanent damage. Skin injury received during blackhead popping may eventually not heal properly, resulting in scarring, hyperpigmentation, and skin texture changes.

As is evident, by picking on your skin, you risk not only not solving the issue but also worsening it and causing perpetual skin trauma. Therefore, it’s not the most efficient way of curing this skin problem. 


Popping blackheads is an inefficient and dangerous way to resolve the issue. Thankfully, the modern beauty industry provides safer and more effective treatment. If you want to eliminate this skin problem, it is better to combine various non-invasive skin care practices, use the right products, and, if necessary, seek professional help. Remember that to attain the desired result, you must stay consistent and patient in your treatment.

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