Makeup Life Hacks You Must Know

Gorgeous makeup is not easy to make, yet everything is possible if you know some tips and tricks. So, in this article, we will discuss working makeup life hacks that will totally change the way you do your makeup. Therefore, let us dive right into this exciting topic.

Try your concealer as eyeshadow primer

No matter how expensive your mascara is, without a primer, it will not last long. At the same time, purchasing an eyeshadow primer, especially if you do not wear makeup every day, is not a reasonable investment. In fact, your concealer will work just fine for such a purpose, too. Just apply some on your eyelids, give it a few minutes to set, and move on to eyeshadow. 

Apply a little blush to your nose

Most people apply blush only to their cheeks or do not apply it at all. Obviously, it’s a huge mistake since blush helps make our faces fresh, well-rested, and young, especially if you apply some to your nose. Of course, making your nose red is not an option, but a few strokes will make your face look simply stunning. 

Use eye pencil in between your lashes

Enormous amounts of mascara will not make your lashes full and seductive. Instead, it will make your makeup look messy and cheap. However, there is a simple solution that will help you visually enlarge your lashes without using too much mascara, and this solution is using a black or dark-brown eye pencil in between your lashes. It’s almost like making a wing, but on the line where your lashes grow. Of course, it might be a little uncomfortable, and you must be really careful not to poke your eye, but the result is totally worth it.

Exfoliate your lips before applying lipstick

The most common reason for chapped lips under lipstick is not lack of moisturizing but actually lack of exfoliation. You see, even if you are well-hydrated and moisturize your lips regularly, they still constantly regenerate, and the dead skin has to go somewhere. So, before doing your makeup, especially if it is for an important event, make sure to exfoliate your lips (we also recommend exfoliating your face as well, so that the foundation will set flawlessly). Trust us, this little tick will make a huge difference.

Use your fingers

Nowadays, most beauty bloggers and makeup artists use brushes and sponges to apply pretty much all the makeup products they use. However, for some things, it’s better to use fingers. For instance, it’s best to use your fingers to apply such products as glitter, cream or liquid eyeshadow, moisturizers, foundation, concealer, tints, contouring products, etc. The warmth of your fingers will help melt the product into your skin as well as avoid wasting too much product (brushes and sponges soak in a lot), and the result will be simply stunning.

Powder your lips to keep the lipstick in place

Lipstick can be easily smeared, especially if it’s stage makeup. But how do we keep it in place? The tip is as simple as that — just place a tissue on your lips and powder your lips over the tissue. That will securely set your lipstick and save you a ton of money on makeup setting spray.

Wrapping up

Flawless makeup is easy to achieve if you know some tips. So, we hope that this article was useful for you, and now you are ready to create your stunning and durable makeup looks. Thus, go ahead and experiment!

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