Skincare Products that Do Work

The beauty industry offers so many products for all kinds of purposes that it is easy to get lost. Moisturizers, eye creams, toners, serums, masks, sunscreens, face oils, retinol solutions, all kinds of creams, and many other products. Yet, very few of them actually work and are worth spending money on. So, what are the products that do work? This is exactly what this article is about. Therefore, let’s figure out together which skincare products are worth your attention and, most importantly, money.


Retinoids are among the few anti-aging solutions that do work, and that has been proven by independent studies. As a matter of fact, Siddharth Mukherjee et al., in their 2006 study, came to the following conclusion, “Amongst various anti-aging agents, retinoids are the most promising agents that are available for the treatment of aging.” It’s been almost 20 years since the research was released, and retinoids are still among the few solutions that do help boost collagen production and slow down the aging process. Additionally, topical retinoids are the best when it comes to acne treatments. All in all, retinoids are worth your attention and money, yet make sure to select the right product for your skin type with your esthetician or dermatologist since retinoids are rather aggressive and cannot be used in certain conditions, such as pregnancy. 


Most people use sunscreen when they go to the beach to prevent sunburns, but did you know that you have to use sunscreen every single day to prevent photoaging and skin pigmentation, as well as lower your risks of having skin cancer? Well, now you know. As a matter of fact, sunscreen must be a part of your daily beauty routine, and you should apply it every single day regardless of the weather conditions or the time you spend outside. Of course, sunscreens have been scientifically proven to work by multiple studies, and they are effective when it comes to preventing aging and pigmentation. So, if you still don’t have sunscreen, don’t walk, run to a pharmacy and get one immediately.

Vitamin C

Just like retinoids, vitamin C is an almighty active ingredient that makes wonders. In fact, vitamin C is an awesome antioxidant that will make your skin glossy and simply flawless. Apart from that, this component helps reduce skin pigmentation and the signs of photoaging. And the best news is that all these properties are not marketing claims and are, in fact, proven by clinical studies. The only drawback skincare products that contain vitamin C have is that vitamin C is particularly unstable, so the products expire extremely quickly after you unseal them (sometimes it can be just two weeks), and the products that have a more stable formula are pretty expensive (and still expire rather quickly).


As you can see, there are very few skincare products that actually work, so you do not have to spend your money on tons of questionable skincare that will most likely dust on the shelf. Just grab a few products that were clinically proven to work, and you will soon notice the difference.

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