Useless Skincare Products that Make No Sense

There are a lot of skincare products available on the market today, but most of them are just pointless. So, how not to waste your money on products that do not work? In this article, we are talking about popular skincare products that have no use so that you know what skincare to avoid.

Charcoal treatments

Activated charcoal treatments were and still are quite popular all over the world, especially as acne treatments. However, these products are useless for all types of skin, and they definitely do not help with acne. Though charcoal products are often marketed as detoxing products, their “detox qualities” for the skin are as great as using soap. So, do not fall for charcoal skincare because it’s totally pointless and makes no sense. 


Many beauty bloggers and even aestheticians use and promote toners, claiming they are essential for glowy and hydrated skin. Well, in fact, most toners are mostly water (especially hydrating ones), and it makes no sense to use them. Moreover, toners that are marketed as acne-reducing usually contain alcohol, which damages the skin microbiome and can potentially make your breakouts even worse. All in all, toners are just a way for cosmetic companies to earn more money. 

Face rollers

Face rollers are promoted as an anti-aging solution that provides as stunning a result as plastic surgery. Well, do we need to say that those claims have no science behind them? Though rollers do help reduce swelling in a short-term perspective, they are pointless in terms of anti-aging treatment. Additionally, essential oils that are usually used with these rollers can cause severe allergies, skin inflammation, and breakouts. So, if you are looking for reliable anti-aging solutions, head to your aesthetician or plastic surgeon because certain problems can be solved only this way. 

At-home microneedling kits

Microneedling has a scientific base that proves its effectiveness and justifies its use. In fact, it helps active ingredients, like retinol or vitamin C, get deeper into your skin and therefore improve it. However, it’s only if we are talking about microneedling done in a professional setting. Believe it or not, at-home microneedling kits are useless and can even be potentially dangerous since they damage the skin barrier and can cause skin irritation or infection. So, if you want to experience all the benefits of microneedling, make an appointment with your esthetician. 

Essential oils

In recent years, essential oils have become rather popular, and some people even substitute all their skincare products with them. Some oils indeed have useful properties that help improve the quality of your skin, but applying pure essential oils to your skin is a big no-no since it can cause irritation, allergies, dermatitis, rosacea, or even psoriasis. Thus, make sure to use safer products. 

Snail mucin

Snail mucin is a popular ingredient of K-beauty products, yet it’s basically used due to the high concentration of hyaluronic acid in it. So, obviously, there are many products that will do the same, and no snail will be harmed. Therefore, think about it before purchasing such products.

Final thoughts

Of course, there are many more useless skincare products apart from the ones we discussed in this article. So what should you do to avoid them all? Well, try sticking only to the ones that have been scientifically proven to work, and this list is pretty short — retinol, vitamin C, and sunscreen.

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